The WCLS Board of Education is hosting the 3rd Annual "Good Times Great Cause" Benefit Dinner at the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds on Friday, February 7 from 6:00 - 10:00 pm. The event includes a delicious catered meal from THE PINES, cash bar, and live music from the Keith Swinney Band! A short presentation and request for donations to support White Creek Lutheran School will be made. Tickets are $35/plate or $250 for a table of 8, and can be purchased online ( or by calling the school office at 812-342-6832. We have limited seating, so reserve your spot soon. Thank you for your support!
27 days ago, Principal Vandercar
3rd annual dinner invite
Are you Christmas shopping and have gift cards on your list? Don't run all over town when you could just make one stop and grab gift cards to both local/national retailers AND give back to White Creek at the same time! Scrip orders will be due by 9am on Thursday, December 12th. Orders should be ready by Thursday, December 19th. Scrip order forms will be sent home tomorrow. Extras will be in the office or in the church narthex. Questions? Contact Lindsay Mullis. 🎄
2 months ago, Lindsay Mullis
Order Form 1
Order Form 2
Come see us at the Bartholomew County Fair this week! The youth group is running the Dime Toss booth behind the Family Arts building. It's a glass-clinking good time!!
8 months ago, Principal Vandercar
Dime toss
WCLS is excited to welcome Mr. Owen Ballard to the staff for the 24-25 school year!!! Mr. Ballard is a former White Creek student, a graduate of USI, and well-known as a favorite Lakeview counselor! He will be teaching middle school Science, PE in grades K-8, and 7th Grade homeroom. YOU CAN HELP welcome Mr. Ballard and set us up for PE success by purchasing some of his wishlist items for school:
8 months ago, Principal Vandercar
mr ballard
Please join us THIS WEEKEND for this WCLS's musical: The Prodigal Princess! It's a royal twist on the well-known parable with some all-time favorite songs. Performaces are Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20 at 6:30 pm; free-will donation.
10 months ago, Principal Vandercar
musical flyer
E.A.T. Night - Monday, March 25th! We purchased twenty $25 Panda Express gift cards through our SCRIP program. Please contact the office if you would like to purchase a gift card to use for the fundraiser night - or another night!
11 months ago, Lindsay Mullis
Panda Express Fundraiser
BOOK FAIR is coming next week!! It will be set up in the Fellowship Room and will be open Tuesday & Thursday 11-4, and Wednesday 11-7 (closing right before the worship service). Come grab a new book, shop for Easter, and support our school!
12 months ago, Lindsay Mullis
Book Fair
Tickets are still available for our Feb 2 Benefit Dinner! Grab your friends for a FUN night out -- delicious food, GREAT music, and a worthwhile cause! Call the office or visit --> special events tab.
about 1 year ago, Whitney Vandercar
dinner invite
The WCLS Board of Education is hosting the 2nd Annual "Good Times Great Cause" Benefit Dinner at the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds on Friday, February 2 from 6:00 - 10:00 pm. The event includes a catered meal, cash bar, and live music from the Keith Swinney Band! A short presentation and request for donations to support White Creek Lutheran School will be made. Tickets are $35/plate or $250 for a table of 8, and can be purchased online ( or by calling the school office at 812-342-6832. We have limited seating, so reserve your spot soon. Thank you for your support!
about 1 year ago, Whitney Vandercar
dinner invitation
Please join us for an Epiphany Service at St. John’s, White Creek on Saturday, January 6th. at 7:00pm. Offering from the service will go to support the food and clothing co-ops at our seminaries in Ft. Wayne, IN and St. Louis, MO. A meal will be served before the service beginning at 6:00pm. The menu will include Fried Chicken, Cheesy Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad and Dessert. A free-will offering will be collected and given to Eric & Melissa Otte to help during Eric’s hospitalization.
about 1 year ago, St. John's
three kings
Welcome Pastor Haugen! It was a joy to celebrate Pastor Haugen's installation on Sunday, November 19th!
about 1 year ago, St. John's
Harvest Party - this Friday!
over 1 year ago, Lindsay Mullis
fall harvest party
We had a WONDERFUL church picnic today! What blessing to enjoy food and fellowship with our church family. A big THANK YOU to all who made it happen!!
over 1 year ago, St. John's
people on steps with ice cream
kids at bounce house
kids playing bingo
adults playing bingo
face painting
cake walk
Ice cream truck
A BOX-TOPS BONUS is going on NOW! What a great time to start earning $$ for WCLS with the stuff you already buy! Buying 4 participating products in a single transaction at Wal-Mart earns $4 in additional box tops going to our school!  Buying 5 participating products in a single transaction at Jay-C and Kroger earns $5 in box tops that will go to our school!  Download the Boxtops app, add White Creek Lutheran School, and scan your receipts! That's it! Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Principal Vandercar
boxtops logo
White Creek Bingo is THIS FRIDAY, April 21! You can get your tickets by calling the office (812) 342-6832 or emailing Shannon (! Come on out to have a GREAT time and raise money for our students' Middle School Trip!
almost 2 years ago, Whitney Vandercar
bingo poster
Please join us for midweek services throughout the Lenten Season. Services begin at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays. Dinner is served in the school cafeteria beginning at 6:00 pm.
almost 2 years ago, St. John's
purple cross
Join us for a GOOD TIME and a GREAT CAUSE at our First Annual Benefit Dinner Friday, Feb 3rd from 7:00 - 10:00 at the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds! It's going to be a great party with live music, food & drinks -- all to support this wonderful school and its students now and into the future. Call 812-342-6832 or CLICK HERE to buy your tickets NOW:
about 2 years ago, Whitney Vandercar
Benefit Dinner Party Flyer
Christmas Caroling 🎄🎶
about 2 years ago, Lindsay Mullis
Christmas Caroling
🇺🇸 ❤️ 🤍 💙 🇺🇸
over 2 years ago, Lindsay Mullis
Veterans Day
St. John's Lutheran Church Harvest Party - Friday, October 28th!
over 2 years ago, Lindsay Mullis
Harvest Party