This week we are having a food drive to help support the people affected by the Kentucky Floods.
over 2 years ago, Lindsay Mullis
Food Drive
Mark your calendar for the annual St. John's Fall Dinner! Drive thru from 4 - 7 pm on Saturday, September 10!
over 2 years ago, Whitney Vandercar
dinner menu
White Creek Lutheran School is again sponsoring a mum sale this fall to raise funds for the Children's fund, the account that covers costs for students' field trips and special activities. Mum orders with payments will be accepted in the school office until Wednesday, August 24th. Mums will be available for pick up in the school gym on September 7th from 3:00-4:00pm. Contact any WCLS student or staff member to place your order!
over 2 years ago, Lindsay Mullis
Mum Sale
We will be having our first E.A.T. (Eat Around Town) night on Tuesday, August 23rd at Chicago's Pizza! Please come enjoy a fun evening and support our school!
over 2 years ago, Lindsay Mullis
EAT Pizza
Please join us for an Ascension Day service on Thursday, May 26, at 7 pm here at White Creek!
over 2 years ago, St. John's
jesus on mountain with disciples
The Installation Service for Pastor Channing Kearney with Holy Communion is scheduled for Sunday, May 15 at 3:00 pm. Indiana District President Rev. Daniel Brege will lead the service. We also welcome Rev. Seth Mierow as the Liturgist and Rev Paul Gashler as the Cantor. All are welcome.
almost 3 years ago, St. John's
LCMS Cross logo
A beautiful winter sunrise at White Creek!
almost 3 years ago, Whitney Vandercar
sunrise behind church
Children's Sunday School will resume on Sunday, March 20. Join us for "Challenge Accepted" where we will learn about God's promises to help us in all of our challenges!
almost 3 years ago, Sunday School Superintendent
challenge accepted logo